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Scholarship Programme


Mobile Era is a conference organized by and for the community, and it’s important to us that all members of the community should be included, also those who would normally be unable to attend for financial reasons. We’re very happy to be able to offer The Scholarship Programme (inspired by the one from Web Rebels Conference) to offer financial aid to people from underrepresented groups wanting to attend the conference.


Scholarships are primarily intended to assist people from groups traditionally underrepresented in the local developer community, including women, people of non-Scandinavian descent and people with disabilities. However, we wouldn’t presume to be able to provide a complete list of underrepresented groups, so all applications will be considered. Eligibility ultimately depends on the discretion of the selection committee. PLEASE NOTE: for students we have a separate program with extremely cheap tickets.


All applications will be reviewed by the selection committee, and will be accepted at their discretion, although selection will primarily favor diversity concerns and financial need. All information provided to the committee will be kept strictly confidential.


Selected applicants will receive a fully paid ticket for the conference.

How do I apply?

Just fill in the form. Submission is open until October 20th.

Scholarship Programme Application

All applicants will be notified via email by October 22th. If your application is accepted, you will receive your conference registration details and other relevant information along with the notification.

Any questions?

Email the organizers at contact@mobileera.rocks

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